Tuesday, July 21, 2009


The book on totto-chan is very interesting and it is quite meaningful as it reminds people of how a children thinks and it remind as of what we were like when we were going through when we were young.The book is about Totto-chan,a small girl living in japan.The first chapter is about 'HER' getting expel from a school as she was interupting the class by staning by the side waiting for the street musicians to past by and she will call out to them to ask them to play a few piece of musics and opening and shutting her desk cupboard.She was transfer to the other school which was special in some ways,the school was made up of jus abondon trains which was used as classrooms,library.Only the headmaster office was a small building which was only a story tall.The book vividly describes what its like to be studying in tomoe-the school which tott-chan went to after she was expel.Totto-chan also have wonderful and caring parents.She was a girl which was very chatty too.Studying in tomoe was fun for children and the headmaster's way of teacher was special and effective,it allow the children to develop their talents and interest.Everything the headmaster did was for the children and he care for them alot.But alas,the school was burned down because of the war,but the headmaster was already thinking of what school he should build and name next,this proves his love for all children.I like this book a lot and i think anyone who reads it will like it too.

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