Tuesday, July 21, 2009


The book on totto-chan is very interesting and it is quite meaningful as it reminds people of how a children thinks and it remind as of what we were like when we were going through when we were young.The book is about Totto-chan,a small girl living in japan.The first chapter is about 'HER' getting expel from a school as she was interupting the class by staning by the side waiting for the street musicians to past by and she will call out to them to ask them to play a few piece of musics and opening and shutting her desk cupboard.She was transfer to the other school which was special in some ways,the school was made up of jus abondon trains which was used as classrooms,library.Only the headmaster office was a small building which was only a story tall.The book vividly describes what its like to be studying in tomoe-the school which tott-chan went to after she was expel.Totto-chan also have wonderful and caring parents.She was a girl which was very chatty too.Studying in tomoe was fun for children and the headmaster's way of teacher was special and effective,it allow the children to develop their talents and interest.Everything the headmaster did was for the children and he care for them alot.But alas,the school was burned down because of the war,but the headmaster was already thinking of what school he should build and name next,this proves his love for all children.I like this book a lot and i think anyone who reads it will like it too.


The xinjiang riot was very violent and it has caused near 600 to 800 deaths of han chinese and muslims uighurs.The riots was between the two of the main group too.It was a sad news as they had live in harmany for long until this had happan,there might be a second chance of it happening as it had happen once.So,the goverment must think of a solution quickly if not the two groups cannot live together in harmony.The situation was bad to such a extend that soldiers from the militry were sent in to control it.But it was reported that some of the officers and soldiers did not do anything to help even when they were withnessing it.It was a sad incident that could be prevented.We will not want this to happen ever again in the future as it is violent and it causes injuries,death and disharmony between races and religon.I really hope that such an incident will not happen again.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Should singlsh be a official language in singapore?

I feel that its should not be made the officially language in singapore as singlish is not an official language.And its not very nice to use singlish to communicate with people using singlish.As english is made as the official language for a lot of countries,its not good to just change the official language just like that,and english is a better language to be used to comminicate or write down something,sometimes singlish cannot be understood if written down.But if u communicate with singlish,it do not really matters as u were be just saying the same thing,the main thing is the written when if u used singlish to write a composistion or to leave a msg,if the person reading it or the message is left for a person that do not understand singlish at all and they will not get the message or rather get the wrong message.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Are Singaporeans gracious and socially responsible?

Do you think Singaporeans are gracious people?well,most of them is but there is still a few people who is not gracious nor socially responsible,by spitting anywhere is not an responsible act as there will be viruses,and there is currently an outbreak of an very contagious disease called swine flu.Those who is down with flu or symptoms of swine flu should stay at home or wear a mask whenever he/she is in public,as if he/she is affected by swine flu,it will spread to all the people he/she has contacted with,it might be spreads more n faster if Singaporeans is not gracious nor socially responsible.
Not littering is also one of a gracious act,by not littering,the environment will be cleaner and more hygienic for us to stay in.Giving up a seat in bus or MRT is also a gracious act.